9 Insane Movie Theories That Actually Make Sense

2. Labyrinth Is A Metaphor For A Teenager's Onset Of Puberty

Labyrinth is a great movie, but it's also really, really strange. It's the kind of film that forces you to stare at it wondering how the hell a bunch of middle-aged men came up with the plot. Because Labyrinth features a story that sees a young girl navigating a strange and dangerous maze in order to rescue her baby brother from a Goblin King.

But what if the plot of Labyrinth was a metaphor for a common struggle? What if it actually represented, say, the onset of puberty?

Before you scoff as this theory and declare it insane, consider - for starters - that Labyrinth is a movie that has a pre-teen girl searching for a baby. That's not exactly subtle, is it? Then there's the fact that she's trapped in a Labyrinth: a crazy, confusing place defined by the notion that it's always changing. Sounds like puberty, right?

Next up, there's all the David Bowie stuff. In Labyrinth, David Bowie plays Jareth, the Goblin King, and he's an innately creepy character. He flirts with Sarah all the way through the movie (at one point they even share a "romantic" dance); he could easily represent what lies in store for her as she makes the transition: horny teenage boys.

Truly, this film makes a lot more sense if Labyrinth is a metaphor than if it isn't; at least then there's good reason for the totally absurd plot and weird characters, right?


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.