9 Major Actors Who Just Made 5 Bad Films In A Row
3. Jai Courtney
The dry spell: Semper Fi, Buffaloed, Alita: Battle Angel, Storm Boy, Suicide Squad
We're convinced, until proven with hard evidence otherwise, that Jai Courtney isn't an actual person. It would explain his bizarre name-spelling, his mysterious birth-country ("Australia"...pfft) and the fact that every performance the actor has given is as wooden, boring and anonymous it could have easily been typed into a computer algorithm and implanted into a blandly handsome robot.
That would logically explain his celebrity, which has seen such cinematic masterpieces as A Good Day to Die Hard, Suicide Squad, Terminator Genesys, I, Frankenstein and YA failure Insurgent. In each film more than the last, the actor has proven to be little more than a block of flesh shaped like a man.
Until Mr. Courtney shows up to prove his corporeal form and ability to emote, we will promote this online, where bizarre conspiracy theories never take root...