9 MCU Characters Who Deserved More Screen Time

7. Betty Ross

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Marvel Studios

A controversial one? Maybe, as many would probably like to forget The Incredible Hulk as part of the MCU. While the switch from Ed Norton to Mark Ruffalo makes forgetting easier, the continued presence of William Hurt’s Thunderbolt Ross keeps it impossible.

Liv Tyler isn’t the most popular actress around and her stock has sunk since her one and only MCU appearance. But then, Gwyneth Paltrow is hardly a fan favourite amongst the general public either; can you name a non MCU movie she’s been in since Iron Man?

The fact is, while there was a lot of things wrong with The Incredible Hulk, it had a lot of potential. From Ragnarok onwards, one of the major MCU arcs has been Hulk’s internal battle with himself.

His relationship with Nat was dropped, and it left him quite isolated. A tweaked Betty could have returned and been a major part of that storyline. While it’s easy to push The Incredible Hulk out of your mind, Hulk’s character loses something if you do.

In fact, Betty Ross isn’t even the only Hulk character to make it here, showing how much more the supporting characters have to give, despite a pretty ropey solo outing.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)