9 More Horror Movie Wishes That Went Horribly Wrong

1. Hellraiser: Wishing For Unearthly Pleasure

Colour Out Of Space
New World Pictures

As Pinhead himself states in Hellbound: Hellraiser II, “It is not hands that call us, it is desire.”

Despite being portrayed by pop culture (and the later Hellraiser sequels), the Cenobites are more than just your average slashers. Once mortal humans, their souls were transformed in Hell after succumbing to their urgers for hedonistic and downright bizarre forms of bodily pleasure.

That pleasure is sought after by Frank Cotton in the first Hellraiser film, who had heartily consumed all other forms of delight. The puzzle box he opens at the start of the film came with the promise that it would grant all any and any carnal desires.

He does get that, but the problem is, the world of Cenobite pleasure is very, very different to our own. Plus, their kink domain is literal hell – meaning that the human extremes of S and M are even more hardcore in the Cenobite realm.

Being flayed alive doesn’t exactly sound like the sexiest way to spend your evenings, but hey, it’s what Frank wished for and who are we to kinkshame?

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Texas Chainsaw Leatherface
Cinemarque Entertainment BV

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