9 More Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same Way After This

4. Producers Were Banging On The Door As Robert De Niro Was Improvising Gold - Taxi Driver

No Country For Old Men
Columbia Pictures

Do big-screen moments get any more iconic than the visual of Robert De Niro's Travis Bickle asking his mirror if it was talking to him? However, it turns out that this often mimicked Taxi Driver scene came very close to being completely ruined by a number of rather upset producers.

As director Martin Scorsese would eventually note on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the fact he was very much behind schedule whilst shooting that moment led to producers banging on the door as De Niro improvised as Bickle in the room.

Luckily, Scorsese was able to convince those annoyed producers to give him and his star "two more minutes" and "one more take."

Had the director been successfully forced to stay on schedule and finish shooting there and then, there'd be no immortal "you talkin' to me?" moment that was entirely made up by De Niro during those rushed improvised takes. And if that doesn't change the way you look at one of the greatest line deliveries in movie history, maybe the knowledge of Marty actually hilariously also being at his star's feet passionately telling him to "do it again, do it again" on the rather stressful day will.

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