9 More Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same Way After This

5. Lying Next To Frozen Lake Was A Pain In The Neck For Gary Oldman - Harry Potter Prisoner Of Azkaban

No Country For Old Men
Warner Bros.

Along with recently explaining on the Happy Sad Confused podcast how he actually felt his tremendous work in the Harry Potter series was "mediocre", the legendary Gary Oldman also revealed a rather surprising fact about his time as Sirius Black.

You know that scene during The Prisoner of Azkaban when Harry Potter's godfather finds himself lying down next to a frozen lake as his soul is leaving his body? Well, that was actually the hardest thing to shoot in the entire Potter series, according to the British star.

Oldman remembers lying there for a week "doing nothing." But that didn't necessarily mean it was an entirely pleasant week at the office.

With the actor's kidneys getting somewhat cold out there, Oldman ended up being given a little hot water bottle to lie on. Then, midway through the week, staying in that position for so long resulted in the thespian getting a rather sore neck. So, Oldman soon received a nice neck pillow to keep him comfortable for the remainder of the frozen lake shoot.

In other words, all that lying down was actually a massive pain in the neck.

So, there you have it. You'll now never be able to sit through this serious Dementor moment without thinking about how unexpectedly painful and difficult Oldman's lying down experience actually was whilst shooting.

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