9 Movie Biopics Despised By Their Own Subjects

2. Yoko Ono & Sean Lennon (Chapter 27)

Yoko Ono Sean Lennon Chapter 27 is an extremely controversial film revolving around the assassination of John Lennon at the hands of Mark David Chapman (played ably by Jared Leto, who gained an obscene amount of weight for the role). The public outcry from Lennon's fans was incredibly vocal, with petitions being created and boycotts planned, causing Lennon's wife Yoko and son Sean, whose likenesses both appear briefly in the film, to speak out against it. Yoko remarked that, "This is another thing which will hurt me, I'm sure. I would rather not make a story out of Mr. Chapman at all, although I sympathize with the actors. They need to work. It's not just films, you're always talking about ." Sean, meanwhile, noted that despite being friends with Lindsay Lohan, he saw her involvement as "tacky", playing a Lennon fangirl who becomes friends with Chapman.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.