9 Movie Characters That Deserved Better

8. Joe Brody - Godzilla

Godzilla Bryan Cranston
Warner Bros. Pictures

Okay so... was it just me who thought Bryan Cranston was going to be the main character in Gareth Edwards' Godzilla? I don't know what it is about Edwards, but he REALLY hates delivering on obvious expectations - just look at the airport fight, where the camera cuts AWAY from Godzilla fighting the giant MUTO, and we watch a child watch the fight instead.

Back to Cranston though, and after a solid marketing campaign and a great acting performance at the beginning where character Joe Brody is distraught about the death of his wife, Cranston gets written out the film before anything has really taken off.

How? He falls off a walkway, is seen on a stretcher and carks it right there and then.

No Brody vs Godzilla, no more masterclass acting or anything approaching memorability outside of some awesome future visuals - nothing.

Even Bryan himself hated the idea, saying on a Nerdist podcast "That character dying at that time was a mistake. When I read it, I said, ‘Oh, page 50, this character - who is the emotional core, the center that was guiding the story up to that point – he dies? What a waste.’ And they kind of dealt with it poorly."

Amen to that.

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