9 Movie Characters That Deserved Better

7. John "Ray" Arnold - Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park Samuel L Jackson
Universal Pictures

Like a writer suddenly realising the final act is in full flow and they've forgot to tie off a loose end, Samuel L. Jackson's Ray Arnold goes from the "Hold onto your butts!" guy, to just a severed limb you can completely miss in the corner of the frame.

After taking off to reboot Jurassic Park as a last-ditch effort to restore security, many thought we might see a showdown between him and the infuriating Nedry, who Arnold had been warring with the entire movie, or at least Jackson yelling his guts out as various velociraptors devoured him.

Though the final cut made his dangling arm look like an afterthought, in reality Sam Jackson was set to fly to Hawaii to film a proper, more visceral death scene, only for a ferocious hurricane to destroy the movie's sets. The time it would've taken to rebuild then didn't fit with everyone's schedules, so Spielberg and co. just had to make do.

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