9 Movie Characters That Deserved Better

6. Sarah Connor - Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines

Terminator 2 Sarah Connor
TriStar Pictures

Onto real Hollywood legend territory, and Sarah Connor - one of the most badass characters in cinema history - was unceremoniously written out the franchise in the weakest way, between Terminator 2 and 3.

Yup, despite Linda Hamilton turning herself into an absolute tank and being just as powerfully memorable as Arnie in T2, Rise of the Machines says that she died after a 3 year battle with cancer, and was cremated.

In a "sure, cool, I guess"-kinda twist, her will stipulated that her coffin should be filled with weapons, just in case the Terminators return, giving us that one cool scene from the otherwise godawful Terminator 3.

Thankfully, though I have zero faith it'll actually be any good, Terminator 6 is seeing Hamilton return as Sarah once again, somehow, so maybe there's a way to make good on this after all.

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