9 Movie Characters That Deserved Better

4. Chief Brody - Jaws: The Revenge

Jaws Brody
Universal Pictures

Okay, back to something we can all agree on.

Chief Brody, Mr. "Gonna Need A Bigger Boat" himself, is kinda THE guy that conquered his fear of small island-sized sharks not once, but TWICE across the two movies Roy Scheider appeared in.

Come the time for Jaws: The Revenge, possibly one of the most rushed and worst sequels ever made, centred on the idea that Jaws is actively hunting down Brody's family, Scheider understandably, refused to return.

The script was put together in just 5 WEEKS, and one of the first priorities was addressing the obvious absence of Scheider.

So, what could any writer do under such harsh time constraints? Make the character suffer a heart attack - Hollywood's instant course-correcting solution that fixes any contractual problem like it was nothing.

The reason given to the audience as to the cause of the heart attack though? A "fear of sharks", just to twist the knife a little from behind the scenes.

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