9 Movie Characters That Deserved Better

3. Joker - Suicide Squad

Jared Leto Joker Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

Maybe we needed this, y'know? Maybe we needed something that was so overtly disastrous; so ludicrously try-hard and so clearly going to fail, it cauterised the wound left by Heath Ledger's tragic death, and that phenomenal 2008 performance.

Maybe the only way to move forward with another movie Joker performance, was to destroy and rebuild.


On the other hand, maybe Joker could've just not been a big ol' goth-gangster pimp like he was trying to channel Marilyn Manson's Tainted Love video, and we could've just enjoyed seeing the character again.

Instead, from the costume to the "Damaged" forehead tattoo, to the "HUNKA-HUNKA" line delivery, Jared Leto's Clown Prince was about as welcome as the dead fish he sent fellow cast members, to convince them he was "getting in character".

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