9 Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Didn't Die

5. Maximus - Gladiator

Bison Raul Julia
Universal Pictures

Out of all the films that need a sequel, Gladiator is hardly up the wish list of many movie fans. Not because the first film wasn’t excellent, but in fact because it was so perfect that its troublesome to consider how it could be continued 20 years later. Also, importantly because the picture’s leading character met his emotional end in the film’s final moments.

In the award-winning tale of betrayal and redemption, Maximus Decimus Meridius loses his family and becomes a slave. Through fighting his way through the Roman pit, Maximus finally succeeds in his quest for revenge even though it literally kills him.

After years of discussion about the follow-up, Ridley Scott still intends to forge ahead to make Gladiator 2. Set 25-30 years after the events of the original film, the sequel will centre on Lucius, the son of Maximus’ former lover.

Whilst that all makes sense, a statement in March 2017 from Scott shocked many. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the director stated he had figured out how to bring Maximus “back”. Crowe is at least in talks to work on the production, although exactly in what function remains to be seen.

Whether Crowe signs on to return to the role or not, we know that somewhere out there exists a script where Maximus returns.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.