9 Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Didn't Die

4. Two-Face - Batman Forever

Bison Raul Julia
Warner Bros.

Despite being a wacky and ultimately fun movie, a lot of comic book fans have a lot of bones to pick with Joel Schumacher's Batman Forever.

A major plot read of the film is Batman’s code of conduct and how Bruce has to tell his new sidekick Robin that killing isn’t worth the pain it causes. Driven by vengeance, Robin is sure to kill Two-Face - responsible for the deaths of his family - given the opportunity. Instead, Batman swoops in and takes that chance from him.

Dent falls down a pit so large that audiences had to assume it killed him, prompting the question of what had Batman spent so long waffling on about if he was just going to off Two-Face himself?

In the DVD commentary for Batman Forever, director Joel Schumacher was rather firm in his stance that Batman shouldn’t kill his villains. Quite how that aligned with the scripted ending of the film we don’t know, but at least Schumacher agreed that it didn’t sit well with the character. Which is exactly why Harvey Dent’s iconic costume can be seen in the next film.

In Batman & Robin, as Bane breaks into Arkham Asylum to retrieve Dr Freeze’s wares, we can briefly see the double-sided suit. Schumacher says this was done to imply that Dent survived the fall and was carted off to Arkham.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.