9 Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Didn't Die

3. Dianne - Shaun Of The Dead

Bison Raul Julia
Universal Pictures

The 2004 genre-smash zombie romcom Shaun of the Dead is loaded with trivia. For example, did you know that characters' names tend to imply their fate? Liz “lives”, Phil gets “killed”, Ed is “dead” and so on. One of the core cast actually subverts this however as Dianne does not in fact die.

The group’s plan to wait for the zombie apocalypse to blow over from the inside of the Winchester pub goes awry when the uptight David stands too close to a window. Suddenly grabbed by ghoulish hands, he is quite literally pulled apart by zombies.

Aghast, girlfriend Dianne goes out into the night brandishing David’s severed leg like a club and it’s the last we see of her on-screen, bringing all cinema goers to the conclusion of an unseen demise.

However, tucked away in the extras of the DVD release are a few comics that answer hanging plot threads including Dianne’s fate. As narrated by Lucy Davis herself, Dianne managed to outrun a zombie horde, climb a tree and wait out the next few days until it was safe.

How exactly? By eating her boyfriend’s severed leg.

Considering she’s enough of a survivalist to be perfectly content with resorting to feasting on human flesh when necessary, it’s suddenly no wonder that the quirky Dianne made it through the zombie apocalypse.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.