9 Movie Endings That Oddly Reference Other Things

3. Star Wars - Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

Paramount Pictures

Michael Bay's second Transformers film, Revenge of the Fallen, concludes with a dead Optimus Prime being brought back to life with some help from Jetfire, who allows his parts to be grafted onto Optimus.

But if you look closely as Jolt and Ratchet fuse Jetfire's remains to Optimus, you might notice a familiar figure amid the metal debris. Flying across the screen is none other than Star Wars' beloved droid R2-D2.

The airborne robot was confirmed to be R2 by the film's visual effects supervisor Scott Farrar, but beyond the fact that the Transformers sequel's VFX were handled by George Lucas' own outfit Industrial Light and Magic, it does feel like a pretty random tip of the hat.

Sure, they're both sci-fi franchises, but neither the tone nor the aesthetic of Transformers lines up with Star Wars, like, at all.

It may just be a fun little Easter egg at the end of the day, but its placement still feels pretty damn strange within Bay's blockbuster made primarily for teenage boys - who in 2009 probably thought Star Wars was "lame" anyway.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.