9 Movie Endings That Oddly Reference Other Things

2. Lost - The Wedding Ringer

Sony Pictures Releasing

2015's buddy rom-com The Wedding Ringer came and went without much of a peep, centered around a friend-less groom (Josh Gad) who hires a "wedding ringer" (Kevin Hart) to acquire him a best man and groomsmen for the occasion.

Lost star Jorge Garcia makes a supporting appearance in the movie as Lurch, one of the groomsmen, and at the very end of the film is onboard a flight to Tahiti with the rest of the wedding party.

Hilariously, totally out of nowhere, Lurch pipes up and says, "I've got a bad feeling about this flight," before we abruptly cut to the credits.

Clearly this is supposed to be a nod to Garcia's role on Lost, a show focused around a plane crash, but if you've never seen Lost it would seem totally and utterly nonsensical, seeming to imply that something genuinely might be wrong with the plane.

Considering that the rest of the movie doesn't feature any apparent Lost gags nor is the subject matter adjacent to Lost in any way, it comes wildly out of left-field. It might also be the funniest joke for those in the know, though.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.