9 Movie Extras Who Completely Ruined Their Scenes

2. It's A Tiger Shark...

Tiger Shark Jaws
Universal Pictures

One of those speaking parts alluded to in the disclaimer, this one is more an example of why Extras should never be promoted to speaking parts. They're on the fringes of the industry for a good reason.

It's not because they haven't had the right breaks, or they don't want to make it big - quite simply it's because they tend to deliver lines with the authenticity and gravitas that this gentleman does in Jaws.

Facing the knowledge that a Tiger Shark has been pulled out of the drink - with the classification coming from Richard Dreyfuss - the townsman, otherwise known as Frank Pratt in the film, and Dick Young in real life, reacts with almost cartoonish (and completely unnecessary) disbelief. It's a very funny moment - and it was probably intended as such - but Young's acting is just laughably terrible...

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