9 Movie Extras Who Completely Ruined Their Scenes

1. The Dark Knight Rises Spoilsport

The Dark Knight Rises Spoiler Extra
Warner Bros.

Some might say this guy should be applauded for managing to leak his footage of the Heinz Field disaster scene from The Dark Knight Rises, but I say he's a dirty cheat who spoiled what was one of the greatest scenes in an otherwise sadly underwhelming movie.

He's also pretty much single-handedly responsible for making the internet get its knickers in an almighty twist over the "problems" with Bane's voice ahead of the official reveal of Tom Hardy's performance. Though the audio quality isn't all that great, it's possible to hear Bane's now infamous mumbling delivery, and all of a sudden a lot of people started to have concerns over Hardy's performance, even though he was previously widely heralded as an outstanding choice for the role. In other words, this leaked video sowed the first seeds of doubt.

So why was he poor at his job of being an Extra? Well, ignoring the fact that his filming of the disaster was probably exactly what any kids in the stadium would have actually been doing in real life as the world ended in front of them, this over-zealous leaker betrayed Chris Nolan by giving us all a glimpse behind the curtain before anyone was ready for it.

Yes, he helped build hype around this scene in particular, but he also diluted the impact of the scene when it first appeared. So much for NDAs...

Did we miss any examples of Extras ruining their scenes, and their one big chance to shine? Share your own thoughts below...

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