9 Movie Reboots That Were Actually Just Ripoffs

7. Predators

Predators The filmmakers behind the Predator films are lucky in that each subsequent film is so detached from the one that preceded it that there's a lot of flexibility creatively. Predators is the third film in the Predator franchise, though given that it came almost 20 years after the previous film, it was very clearly engineered as a quasi-reboot intended to kick-start a franchise if it succeeded (it modestly did, grossing 3x its budget). To be fair to it, there are a fair degree of differences to the Arnold Schwarzenegger-starring original, but it's the lifeblood that feels duplicated, which begins by referencing the original and by film's end is just thoroughly ripping it off. There's the jungle setting, the gang of armed badasses being hunted by predators, re-cycling the theme music and "Long Tall Sally", a similar gatling gun sequence, the use of mud to hide from the Predator, and a litany of quotes directly lifted from the original film. Though I smirked at them like anyone, there's a point at which you're not so much making an homage to the original film so much as filling your new one with all the best parts from it. Did I enjoy it? Sure. Could it have been better? With some more of its own ideas, absolutely.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.