9 Movie Sequels That Will Probably Be Announced Soon

2. Zootopia 2

 Zootopia Selfie

Disney's Zootopia is without question one of the best and most-celebrated animated films of the last few years, an enormous critical success that incredibly also pulled in over $1 billion worldwide.

The only surprise is that something so universally beloved hasn't had a sequel (Twotopia?) formally confirmed yet, even though the cast and crew have talked it up on numerous occasions.

Granted, there's no rush here, and it makes sense to take some time out to get things right, but given how rich and nuanced this world clearly is, it'd be a huge mistake not to get to work on it soon enough.

Disney admirably has a habit of letting sequels percolate for a while, what with Frozen 2 not being planned to release until 2019 (six years after the original), but it wouldn't hurt Disney CEO Bob Iger to at least assure people that the film's definitely happening.

In true Iger style, it'll probably be quietly confirmed during a conference call over the course of the next year. You'll see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.