9 Movie Spoilers Hidden In Posters

1. So Many Ominous Clues - Mother!

Quarantine m movie
Paramount Pictures

Darren Aronosfsky's mother! is like marmite for movie fans: some think its brand of baby-killing anxiety is delicious while others don't quite have the stomach for it.

One thing we can all agree on though, is that its plot is intentionally left vague and mysterious. The lead characters don't even get names let alone proper explanations, and so many recurring details are left to the audience to figure out.

Understandably then this cryptic plotting was reflected in the posters for the film, which suitably get more detailed and ominous the more you look at them.

The striking poster showing Jennifer Lawrence's mother holding out her heart is already full of intrigue, however closer inspection shows sinister foreshadowing hiding in plain sight.

For instance in the bottom left hidden in the greenery you can spot the ominous face of a man watching her, presumably Javier Bardem's character. Elsewhere you can see key items in the story, including a door handle that's used to bludgeon someone to death at one point.

These Easter eggs mean nothing before you see the film, but secretly foreshadow major moments.

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