9 Movie Spoilers Hidden In Posters

2. It Literally Connects To Unbreakable - Split

Quarantine m movie
Universal Pictures/Walt Disney Studios

Split was heralded as a return to form for M. Night Shyamalan. After a string of flops and an ok effort to re-find his footing, this was another high-concept horror about a man played by James McAvoy who struggled to reconcile his 23 split personalities.

It was a surprise sensation with general moviegoers, however for the hardcore fans of Shyamalan's oeuvre, one scene held far more importance than the rest. That's because the post-credit sequence revealed a major twist: everything we had just seen was actually taking place in the universe of the director's 1999 cult classic Unbreakable. That film's star Bruce Willis even showed up to reprise his role as superhero David Dunn for a quick cameo.

Obviously this got fans who'd been waiting for a sequel to Unbreakable for years falling over themselves trying to figure out how Shyamalan had kept this a secret. In a surprise move though it turned out he'd actually been teasing the connection between the two films all along with Split's poster.

That one-sheet was pretty simple: just an image of half of James McAvoy's face on a plain white background with some glass cracks in the foreground. The thing is, when you put this side by side with the poster for Unbreakable, which similarly features a glass crack in the foreground, the cracks of the two posters actually connect. The link was right there the whole time.

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