9 Movies Ben Affleck Was Almost Cast In

8. Connor Mead - Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past

Another entry in a long line of Matthew McConaughey rom-coms that brought his career to rock bottom, Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past could have turned out very differently. Six years before we got the ultimate remaining of A Christmas Carol, the film was in pre-production with Ben Affleck its star and Kevin Smith the director. If that doesn't sound freaking awesome, remember this is when Smith was still marginally relevant. The project fell through when Gigli, which has become a major smear on Affleck's filmography, utterly bombed. That flop had a major effect on Affleck's career, with Jersey Girl, another Smith-Affleck pairing, completely gutted to downplay the presence of Gigli co-star and Affleck's ex Jennifer Lopez. The Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past we ultimately got is nothing like what Smith and Affleck planned, with a new production studio (the New Line Cinema film was originally Disney's) and a totally different cast, including Affleck's wife Jennifer Garner.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.