9 Movies Ben Affleck Was Almost Cast In

3. Talk Show Host - Vulgar

Vulgar is one of the less revered films to come out Kevin Smith's View Askew Productions, mainly because it all strikes as a little pointless. It is a film aimed pretty much entirely at fans of previous Askew flicks, but despite exploring a character first seen in the opening of Clerks and starring many of Smith's frequent collaborators, it's not part of the overarching View Askewniverse (which includes Clerks, Jay And Silent Bob etc.). Ben Affleck is one of Smith's regulars notable by his absence in Bryan Johnson's movie. That's not for lack of wanting though - Affleck was wanting to cameo as a talk show host, but couldn't because he was busy filming Armageddon. In the end that small part went to Scott Mosier, Smith's long-time editor and producer, who has actually cameoed in most of his movies. There is a little reference to him, however, with the titular clown calling a Mrs. Affleck and having a quick phone conversation with her son Benny. How subtle.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.