9 Movies That Were Really Just Feature-Length Adverts In Disguise

1. Transformers

Since conception Transformers has been defined by how it turned itself from cool toy into an over-involved, but still quite cool, story. Never escaping the fact it was to sell toys, the Transformers TV series was a simple, fun Saturday morning cartoon. Michael Bay€™s ongoing blockbuster adaptations on the face of it have a similar ethos. With hokey plots and childish humour, they likewise never hide that they€™ve got merchandise at the front of their minds (although the added military porn and actual porn destroys any semblance of this being honourable or smart). However, not content being the biggest toy advert of all, Transformers didn't stop at promoting itself. As if having Hasbro managing to continue what is a completely eighties idea, the films are full of other product placement. Each Autobot obviously brings a car company on board, but from everyone using Yahoo search to an Xbox 360 sprouting arms and legs you can€™t feasibly move in this perpetually twilighted world for a big brand. And you thought aliens were the only things invading. With the billion dollar box office, relentless merchandise and a desire to put as many corporations in the background as possible, it€™s amazing Bay finds any time to put anything of worth in the films... Oh, now it makes sense.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.