9 Movies That Show How Christmas Can Be The Most Disastrous Time Of The Year

4. Santa Claus Conquers The Martians

Santa ClauseThe Setup: Mars' children have turned into a bunch of tight-asses because nobody's taught them how to play and have fun like normal kids do so the Martian's decide to kidnap old Saint Nick so he can deliver toys and holiday cheer to the stolid tykes. What Goes Wrong: The Martians abduction of Santa Claus goes off without a hitch but the sourpuss Martian Vodor tries to kill Santa repeatedly and decides to sabotage Santa's toy factor on Mars because he believes this Christmas malarkey is a bunch of hokum. Meanwhile, one of the worst comic relief character's of all time, Dropo, who's about as funny as enduring an unanesthetized root canal, becomes obsessed with Santa and starts wearing Santa's clothes. Mistaking Dropo for the real Santa, Vodor kidnaps the bumbling idiot only to have his plan foiled when the Martian authorities arrest him. Santa thinks, for no logical reason, that the more than likely mentally disturbed Dropo will make a good Martian Santa Claus and decides to franchise out his good name to the deranged Santa fanboy. The Moral of the Story: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is pretty terrible in every respect, receiving a riffing from the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 crew and regularly appearing in the "bottom 100 list" at IMDB.com. Besides showing how bitter people like Vodor can spoil everyone's Christmas cheer by being sticks in the mud, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is also a cautionary example of why making Christmas movies is better left in the hands of people who know what the hell they are doing.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.