9 Movies That Everyone Has Been Tricked Into Believing They Love
2. The Bandwagon Trick - The Hangover
Remember when everybody started talking about The Hangover like it had broken down the comedy barriers and subsequently raised them up again, albeit now the comedy barriers were now covered in diamond shards and fluffy kittens and smelt like roses? Yeah, that happened when word of mouth seemed to point towards The Hangover as the best comedy movie since forever.
You couldn't go anywhere without hearing somebody saying: "Have you seen The Hangover?" Well, yes, I have, and it's... okay. It's an "okay" comedy film. Nowadays, and thanks to a couple of ill-judged sequels, people have decided that they're done with The Hangover, which is fine: but let's not forget that it was all that bandwagoning that got those sequels made in the first place.
As more and more people began to talk about The Hangover and how great and hilarious it was, the more we began to collectively convince ourselves - as a society - that it was a slice of movie genius. Go back and watch it, though. I'll wait here. Done? Not all that special, huh? And that's what the bandwagon does: it tricks us into thinking some movies are way better than they truly are (it also happened with Seth MacFarlane's Ted).