9 Movies That Were Cancelled At The Last Minute

6. Slipstream

River Phoenix Dark Blood
Universal Pictures

Back at the start of Steven Spielberg’s career, the filmmaker was known as a bit of a maverick, desperate to make it big. Part of this plan was the admirable failure of Slipstream, which was cancelled midway through filming in 1967 due to lack of funds.

It would have been his debut feature and he was hardly the name he is today; with a lack of credits, he was struggling to get any funding at all. However, after offering one of the lowest low ball offers in history, he finally secured a budget... of just $5,000.

For reference, Spielberg’s actual debut, The Sugarland Express, had a budget of $3 million. His follow up, Jaws, cost $9 million to make but ended up grossing over $470 million, establishing him as a household name.

To his credit though, he managed to get the film off the ground, borrowing the equipment he needed and working out deals for the required services.

Unfortunately, since the movie was about cycling, it needed the correct weather. Heavy rain while shooting led to massive delays, which meant that $5,000 ran out very quickly, and the movie was cancelled.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)