9 Movies That Were Cancelled At The Last Minute

2. Something’s Got To Give

River Phoenix Dark Blood

Something’s Got To Give (not be be confused with the Jack Nicholson movie Something’s Gotta Give) has a rather sad story around it’s cancellation, given that the plug was pulled following Marilyn Monroe’s untimely suicide.

Monroe had actually been fired from the movie previously, with her mental health issues, drug issues and diva reputation all combining to see her kicked out. She was publicly blamed by Sony for the production delays, and so agreed to several high profile interviews to try and repair her image.

Such was her charm and celebrity status, the interviews turned public perception of her around again, and Sony promptly rehired her on a multi movie deal. However, her health issues persisted and just as filming began, Monroe deliberately overdosed on barbiturates.

Rather than recast the movie and have Monroe’s spectre over the next actress, Sony decided to cancel the picture entirely.

The movie was a remake of the 1940 Cary Grant and Irene Dunne comedy, My Favourite Wife. Like many of Monroe’s films, it appeared to be nothing more than a simple feature vehicle, and the loss of her at the age of just 36 is a far greater loss than the movie remaining unfinished.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)