9 Movies That Were Scrapped After Being Filmed (And Why)

5. Unlawful Killing (Keith Allen)

The Film: Unlawful Killing is a documentary directed by Keith Allen and financed by Mohamed Al-Fayed, who was keen for the supposed truth surrounding the death of his son Dodi and Princess Diana in a Paris underpass to be exposed to the public. The film argues that British and French authorities collaborated in covering up the details of the car crash, alleging that Diana€™s life could have been saved had she been taken directly to hospital and slamming the British Royal Family for a grudge they supposedly held against Dodi based on his religion. Why It Was Scrapped: The fact that the film leads viewers to believe that Diana€™s life could have been saved is really just the tip of the iceberg here. It goes as far as calling Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret €œgangsters in tiaras€ and likening Prince Philip to notorious British serial killer Fred West. The lawyers who were consulted by the film makers prior to its release recommended that a total of 87 cuts be made before the film could be certified for UK release, though that never happened. Despite his failure to secure a release in Great Britain, Allen was confident that it would still generate a buzz with a conspiracy theory loving US audience, though again it proved impossible to get insurance against the legal action that would no doubt have followed and the documentary never officially saw the light of day.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.