9 Movies That Were Scrapped After Being Filmed (And Why)

4. Tomorrow Night (Louis C. K.)

The Film: Louis C. K.€™s Tomorrow Night is a comedy that follows the absurd exploits of Charles (Chuck Sklar), the obsessive-compulsive owner of a photography store. Living alone has made Charles rather odd (he spends his evenings sitting in a bowl of ice cream for sexual gratification) but his life is given some purpose when he discovers that a bunch of photos that he has been paid to develop have not been collected. He decides to deliver them himself, and his bizarre life ends up becoming even weirder. Why It Was Scrapped: Unfortunately for Louis, some of the names he had at his disposal just weren€™t big enough at the time. With a hugely talented cast including Steve Carell and Amy Poehler, Tomorrow Night could have went down as a classic, though on a budget of only $20,000 it was always a long shot. After a camera operator used the wrong type of film for the first three days, rendering everything shot up until that point useless, it became an uphill struggle from there on in. C. K. ended up borrowing over $150,000 from industry friends including Chris Rock to get his film completed, and it was shown at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival as well as the Florida and Hamptons International film festivals. Despite appearing on several talk shows to give it the hard sell, no distributors showed an interest in the film and he was forced to concede defeat, eventually releasing it himself as a digital download on his website.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.