9 Movies With Way Too Much Gratuitous Nudity

1. Striptease


Cinephiles often cite the 1995 Paul Verhoeven-directed debacle Showgirls as a high water mark for terrible films whose primary appeal lies in the outrageous amounts of gratuitous nudity contained within them, but the very next year saw the release of another misbegotten picture that gives Showgirls a run for its money in the race for number one in camp stupidity and excessive skin-bearing: 1996's Golden Raspberry Worst Picture winner, Striptease. Unlike Showgirls, a film that some have gone on to defend as a satire of the American dream, nobody seems to remember or particularly care about Striptease and with good reason: not only is it stupid, it's also boring.

Prerelease, Striptease earned notoriety because star Demi Moore underwent breast augmentation surgery before shooting started, which tells you that the film had little else but nudity going for it. The plot concerns Erin Grant's (Moore) struggle to retain custody of her daughter while making a living as a pole dancer. Critics found Moore's character too dramatic for the material, especially given that the film's supporting characters come across as cartoonish. Even worse, many critics complained that the nakedness, the main selling point of the film and the reason for it existing, failed to provide enough titillation.

Striptease earns our top spot because, aside from stripping being its main selling point, the feature failed to deliver the goods in a way that appealed to audiences, which renders the excessive nudity even more gratuitous. This failure of a film can't even muster a cult following, like Showgirls, and seems doomed to obscurity. Any other famous examples we missed? Keeping in mind I left out Showgirls intentionally because it shows up on these lists too often. Let us know in the comments.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.