9 Movies With Way Too Much Gratuitous Nudity

2. Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay

Harold And Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay

Audiences loved the antics of stoner duo Harold and Kumar in their first feature film Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle, so the pair decided to re-team for a cash-in sequel, 2008's Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. The sequel's bold title promised to redress the horrific human rights violations occurring at the Guantanamo Bay via the comedy stylings of two chronically stoned slackers.

Instead, Harold and Kumar spend about five minutes of screen time trapped in the prison before they promptly escape, addressing none of the thorny social and moral issues around the prison and its detainees. Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay's exploitative elements go beyond its attention-grabbing title. One scene in particular lands the comedy firmly at number 2 on our list.

After escaping from their extremely brief captivity in Guantanamo Bay, Harold and Kumar find their way to Miami, where they crash their friend Raza's party. It turns out that Raza has come up with his answer to topless parties: bottomless parties.

In a particular egregious display of gratuitous nudity, the camera travels through the party as the pair and Raza discuss key plot points, lingering over the naked crotches of the female partygoers. For promising social commentary but delivering little more than stoner hijinks and gratuitous nudity, Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay earns runner-up on our list.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.