9 Possible Reasons The Joker Scene Got Cut Out From The Batman

5. The Joker Is Already Over Exposed

Joker The Batman
Warner Bros.

The Joker is already everywhere.

Over the span of only 14 years, we got Heath Ledger’s version in The Dark Knight, Jared Leto debuted in infamy in Suicide Squad, then we got Joaquin Phoenix for as Arthur Fleck for 2019’s Joker. Not to mention live-action TV appearances of two proto- Jokers portrayed by Cameron Monaghan. Now we get another Joker again for Matt Reeves’ The Batman?

It is one thing where we only get a brief blurry glimpse of him at the end of the movie, it is another where we get to see five whole minutes of spotlight for what is essentially filler.

Leave some screen time for other villains equally deserving of the spotlight!

In this post: 
The Batman
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