9 Possible Reasons The Joker Scene Got Cut Out From The Batman

6. There Is Nothing In The Scene That Is Vital

Joker The Batman
Warner Bros.

Love it or hate it, the deleted scene of The Joker in Arkham has no bearing on the plot of the movie. This is just filler - We get to know from the scene that Batman is having a hard time tracking The Riddler, and from The Joker’s harsh words, we realize Batman is questioning his similarities with The Riddler. Those are all fine and good, but we can pick up all of this from the rest of the movie.

We get that Batman is having a hard time capturing The Riddler from his real-time work as a detective, where he keeps making mistakes. Because of his inability to figure everything out Falcone died, and Gotham ended up underwater.

We notice the similarities between Batman and The Riddler because, in the later parts of the film, it is revealed that The Riddler persona is inspired by Batman’s vigilante activities. The Joker did not need to point out any of this for us to know.

In this context, the deleted scene becomes this vestigial part that can be removed. As Matt Reeves said, the sense that Gotham will face possible chaos from the power vacuum Falcone left behind flows better without it.

In this post: 
The Batman
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