9 Problems A Jason Bourne Sequel Must Avoid

8. Everything Is Far Too Familiar

Jason Bourne Matt Damon
Universal Pictures

Speaking of things not being distinctive... pretty much the entirety of Jason Bourne is a greatest hits re-hash of what came before. Just without any of the inspiration.

We have flash backs, car chases, fist fights and many sequences of CIA agents looking at computer screens from inside a gloomy room... This should all be great but there is no attempt to give any of it a refreshing spin.

It makes sense that the first three films are similar as we are watching Bourne chase down the answer to who he is but there is no reason for this outing to be so samey, except the cynical reason of making easy money by giving people what they already liked.

Oh wait... yeah, of course that's why they did it. Moving on.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.