9 Reasons An X-23 Movie Needs To Happen

9. Dafne Keen Is Too Awesome For Just One Movie

Logan Trailer Wolverine Laura
20th Century Fox

There are at least three excellent performances in Logan, one of the most memorable being Dafne Keen's thrilling, physical work as Laura.

One can only imagine how intimidating for a child actor it must be to play opposite acting lions such as Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman, but she totally holds her own and doesn't give in to a lot of the bad habits that child actors tend to (such as acting too big or coming off as creepily precocious).

Keen gives a genuinely brilliant performance regardless of her age, and so it'd be a damn shame if she was simply a "one and done" with regard to this character.

Especially if the next movie caught up with her a few years later, she could really bring something interesting to the table, and it'd be cool for fans to watch her grow into an adult over the course of a few subsequent appearances in the X-Men franchise.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.