9 Reasons An X-23 Movie Needs To Happen

8. The Core X-Men Franchise Has Become Stale

X-Men Apocalypse Mystique.jpg
20th Century Fox

The core X-Men franchise has been rather on-and-off for a while, but X-Men: Apocalypse cemented that the series is starting to feel pretty played out. It couldn't muster much enthusiasm from fans and even some of its cast members (looking at you, Jennifer Lawrence), and the end result was just...OK?

The bigger problem is that it doesn't set a particularly compelling direction for the mainline series moving forward: some of the new actors (especially Sophie Turner) are legitimately terrible in their roles, and so it's hard to get that excited about it all.

Diverging to spin-offs such as The New Mutants, X-Force and an X-23 solo movie really feels like the way to go right now in order to keep things fresh. The next mainline X-Men movie, X-Men: Supernova as it's been tentatively named, would need to have something truly fantastic up its sleeve to make-up for how generic Apocalypse felt.

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Logan X-23
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.