9 Reasons Bill Murray Will Always Be Better Than You

4. Bill Murray n'a pas besoin de l'esprit de l'escalier

Bill Murray French You know when you're struggling to find a witty retort to someone ribbing you? The cogs in your head grind to a halt and you're left scratching in thin air for that potent put-down that'll have everyone in stitches. More often than not, the repost doesn't arrive and you're left looking like an imbecile (or maybe that's just me). The conversation resumes and you make a quick trip to the loo to drown yourself in the sink. That's when you find "the spirit of the stairs". That thing you should've said arrives in a flash of clarity, but the moment has gone and the response lies unemployed in your head until you fall asleep. Well Bill Murray doesn't need that. His lightning quick reactions and acerbic wit ensure that he'll never need to consider inhaling 6" of water through his nasal cavity to end the crippling humiliation. However, even the best sometimes can't be bothered dealing with hecklers as one persistent knobhead found out to the tune of a broken arm in a back alley scrap. And what did we all learn today boys and girls? Dont heckle Bill Murray.

Out of touch, out of date and out of work. With no other discernible skills of any real use to society, I thought I'd give this a bash. My main focuses are food, music, sport and anything remotely related to ISS Pro 98. I spend half of my life listening to records and the other half wondering whether it'd be possible to become John Cooper Clarke's mate. He, alongside Stephen Fry and Countdown's Rachel Riley, should run the country.