9 Rejected Ideas That Were Recycled In Other Movies

5. Star Wars Clone Wars & Rebels Used Old Unused Prequel Trilogy Concepts

Darth Maul Savage Opress The Clone Wars

Originally In... The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

As with any high concept sci-fi/fantasy movie, the concept art stage for the Star Wars prequels was an incredibly productive period that produced far more characters, species and tech than could ever have been used in the finished films.

Usually, those designs would simply be scrapped, becoming part of the wider Star Wars mythology and released as part of artwork books and to peel back the layers on the productions. They become no more than curious and what could have beens.

But not always - in a lot of cases with the Prequel concepts, LucasFilm returned to the rejected pile and repurposed old concept. Both The Clone Wars and Rebels dipped into that source for a vast array of characters and ships, including Jedi Master Tera Sinube, Terellian Jango Jumper Cassie Cryar, the Kerkoiden race, the H-60 Tempest bomber and the BC-714 luxury transport. And they were very much drops in a vast ocean.

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