9 Sci-Fi Movies That Flopped Hard In 2022

7. Gold

Moonfall Patrick Wilson Halle Berry John Bradley
Madman Entertainment

It's really hard not to read the word "Gold" in the Austin Powers voice. Go on, try it.

Made by Australian actor and director Anthony Hayes, Gold is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland inhabited mostly by sand and Zac Efron. Troy Bolton and his new friend travel to a remote area of desert where they stumble across a giant nugget.

Made of gold, not chicken.

As the two men become increasingly obsessed with digging up the precious metal, their dwindling sanity and lust for shiny things begins to wreak a terrible toll. It's a decent concept with a good lead actor, but let's hope that nugget wasn't real, because there's no way they're even going to pay it back.

Gold had a limited theatrical release that saw it take less than $250,000 worldwide. It later ended up on streaming service Stan, which... hang on a second. Stan? What the hell is Stan?

Basically, very few people actually saw this film, and the ones who did thought it was fine. To land a star the size of Efron was a huge get for this production, but ultimately it didn't help convert this fictional bounty into a real-life haul.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.