9 Movie Sequels That Made You Hate Characters You Once Loved

5. John McClane - A Good Day To Die Hard

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull Harrison Ford Karen Allen
20th Century Fox

John McClane is the sardonic, funny and immensely likeable hero of the Die Hard movies. At least, that's how it used to be.

Because who wants to see one of their all-time favourite action heroes turn into a grumpy, whiny Dad? It's almost as if the people who wrote A Good Day To Die Hard literally forgot to check what McClane's personality was supposed to be like, and instead, just, like, interpreted him as Bruce Willis, circa 2013.

Willis has earned a reputation these days as a grump, of course - somebody with little interest in making quality motion pictures, zero tact, and a dislike of doing promotion. The McClane of A Good Day To Die Hard is pretty much the same guy, and as with real life Willis, all his charisma has died; McClane no longer has a sense of humour, see, and spends the entire movie in 'annoyed Dad mode.'

Who in their right mind decided to make this iconic character boring? Or as a superhero, performing physical feats that even Captain America would scoff at. Essentially, the McClane of Die Hard 5 is a totally different guy - an impostor, even. For fans, it marked the point at which all good will towards McClane vanished.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.