9 Movie Sequels That Made You Hate Characters You Once Loved

6. The Wolf Pack - The Hangover Part II

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull Harrison Ford Karen Allen
Warner Bros.

When the original Hangover flick hit theatres, it already felt like a comedy classic, and that mostly came down to the fact that its three lead characters - Stu, Alan and Phil (played by Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis and Bradley Cooper, respectively) were a bunch of goofballs you could love. Yes, they made terrible decisions, but they were also made affable because they were, to an extent, believable human beings.

The thought of another outing with the trio in the form of a sequel film originally sounded like a genuinely giddy prospect. Who could have predicted that after the Bangkok-set antics of The Hangover Part II, however, that audiences the world over would never want to lay eyes on these bozos again?

The Hangover Part II, possibly the laziest sequel of all-time, somehow managed to make the Wolf Pack unlikeable as hell; Alan became horribly grating and insane; Stu became a moany bore; Phil... well, Bradley Cooper settled for just playing himself, phoning in one of his worst performances ever.

These weren't the cool, funny guys of the first film... The Hangover Part II made the Wolf Pack into a detestable bunch of insufferable douchebags. You didn't want will them to succeed this time around - you wanted them to fail (or possibly die).


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.