9 Shark Movies To Prepare Audiences For The Meg

6. Deep Blue Sea

Sharknado 2
Warner Bros.

This film is as absolutely ludicrous as one would think a shark movie made in 1999 would be. It features genetically-enhanced sharks, a team of super-90s scientists, and an all-star cast including a scenery-chewing performance from Samuel L. Jackson.

It's a trashy little genre film but certainly not without its thrills. The cast could have easily all just phoned there performances in here, but instead, they are all-in. Everyone gives their all to these performances of exceedingly goofy caricatures, and it actually makes them endearing in a strange way.

But even if none of the rest of this film was worth anything, it would still be worth watching just for Jackson's death scene. Countless movies have ripped it off since, but it sees Jackson delivering a rousing speech to his group of survivors, only to be eaten right in the middle of it.

And honestly, who doesn't want to see that? Ideally speaking, The Meg is clearly looking to strike this same tone. It doesn't want to be as goofy as Sharknado, it wants to have its cheese but also deal with some genuinely scary shark mayhem. Deep Blue Sea is about the perfect primer to watch before heading to the cinema to see Jason Statham vs. a really, really big shark.

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The Meg
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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.