9 Star Wars Cliffhangers We'll Never Get The Answer To

But what happened to Jango Fett's sister?! We'll probably never know...

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Lucas Arts

Nothing gets an audience invested in a story or collection of characters quite like a good cliffhanger.

Not knowing whether a hero lives to fight another day, the whole truth after one hell of a bombshell has been dropped, or where a captivating figure's journey will lead them next in the wake of a jaw-dropping reveal can all leave viewers desperate to see the next instalment in a series.

In particular, the galaxy far, far away boasts a whole host of truly compelling cliffhangers, with fans champing at the bit to learn the answers to everything from "Where is Ezra Bridger?" to "Will we ever see a freshly frozen-in-carbonite Han Solo again?"

Thankfully, those aforementioned questions were ultimately answered, even if it took a few years to get there. But the same cannot be said for each and every cliffhanger to ever pop up in the Star Wars universe.

Due to either a video game series never producing another chapter, certain Legends stories not being continued, or even newer Star Wars stories seemingly moving in a different direction going forward, all of the following tantalising cliffhangers will now likely never be resolved.

And that's a shame, too, as the answers had the potential to be quite fascinating. But there were simply other stories to be told, and it seems like this collection of events will be left dangling off the edge of a cliff for eternity.

9. Arla Fett (Boba's Long Lost Aunt) Has Her Memory Wiped And Disappears

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Introduced during the Jango Fett: Open Seasons comic book written by Haden Blackman, Arla Fett - the older sister of Jango - was actually once assumed dead after Death Watch attacked her family home on Concord Dawn during the Mandalorian Civil War. 

However, it was later revealed that she was captured and ultimately became an assassin for Death Watch before being arrested and thrown into a mental institute on Coruscant. She'd stay there for years and was heavily sedated to stop her from killing herself because of the guilt she felt over working with the group who had killed her family, but was eventually freed by Jedi/Mandalorian Bardan Jusik in the Republic Commando novels. 

In the end, Jusik would wipe a tormented Arla's memory. And that was all Karen Traviss wrote, ending this Fett's story on a bit of a cliffhanger.

With Traviss never getting to officially conclude the Republic Commando series after she backed away from the project due to continuity changes made in The Clone Wars animated series, Arla's fate was left largely up in the air.

And while those desperately wanting to learn what officially happened to Arla next were at least given a few interesting bullet points from Traviss that explained where she roughly thought the characters were going - Arla would have married Jusik and forgotten she was ever "Arla Fett" after her memory wipe - that still doesn't technically count as an official conclusion to her story. 

Star Wars has shown a willingness to incorporate elements from the Legends continuity more and more of late, but the chances of Boba Fett's auntie showing up, meeting her nephew, and explaining where she'd been in the new canon after all these years still feels slim at best - especially after the flop that was The Book of Boba Fett.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...