9 Star Wars Cliffhangers We'll Never Get The Answer To

8. Who Is Revan In The New Canon?

Starkiller Force Unleashed 2_

Though fans haven't technically seen the legendary Darth Revan on-screen since Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012, his name has very much been mentioned. But the cliffhanger of precisely when this Old Republic icon will go from being little more than the name of a Sith trooper legion or the name mumbled by cultists to actually showing up in the new canon is still one that shows no signs of being resolved.

Though fans did come very close to seeing Revan appear in Star Wars: The Clone Wars during the "Ghosts of Mortis" episode, that scene was ultimately scrapped in the end. However, with The Old Republic era being present on Disney's latest Star Wars timeline last year, fans will definitely be hoping that the long wait for a project set in this much-loved period within the Legends continuity will come to an end in the not-too-distant future.

At the time of writing, though, the planned (possibly canon?) remake of the classic Knights of the Old Republic doesn't seem like it'll be clearing up this Revan mystery any time soon due to that game going through some development troubles. And there sadly aren't any other new Old Republic stories currently in the works either.

So, an answer to precisely who Revan was or what this era really looked like in the new canon will probably remain unanswered for some time yet - if not forever.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...