9 Star Wars Cliffhangers We'll Never Get The Answer To

6. Is Cad Bane Actually Dead?

Starkiller Force Unleashed 2_

After making a hell of a name for himself in the animated section of this galaxy far, far away, ruthless bounty hunter Cad Bane finally made his live-action debut in The Book of Boba Fett.

Said live-action run was ultimately short-lived, however, as the sharpshooting Duros' time in the Star Wars franchise reached its end thanks to his old apprentice and the pointy end of Fett's gaderffii stick.

Or maybe not.

The fact Bane's suit is still seen beeping and flashing before the scene ends in that final episode of the series has left many believing this is a sign that he may not be dead after all. But with this cliffhanger coming at the end of a show that received mixed reviews and probably won't be followed up with a season two in the coming years, it's highly unlikely Bane's arc will continue in another chapter of this particular book.

If he did indeed survive, there's a chance he could show up in another New Republic era show away from The Book of Boba Fett and face off with Temuera Morrison one more time. Still, it's far more likely that Disney will just draw a line under the somewhat disappointing Mandalorian spin-off and Bane's story with Fett, and simply continue using the blue badass in animated projects set before he was stabbed if they really want to bring him back.

In other words, the truth behind those blinking lights will probably remain a mystery, folks.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...