9 Star Wars Cliffhangers We'll Never Get The Answer To

7. Sev's Fate In Republic Commando

Starkiller Force Unleashed 2_

Elite clone commando Sev is a character fans of the Star Wars: Republic Commando video game know all too well.

During that game's last mission on Kashyyyk, the rest of Delta Squad hear that the sniper is under heavy attack. But before they can get to their comrade and ensure he's safe from harm, the squad is ordered to evacuate, leaving behind poor Sev.

While Sev would eventually go on to appear in Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode 'Witches of the Mist', fans never learned whether he survived that fateful fight on Kashyyyk or not, with Sev simply being reported as missing in action from that point on in Legends continuity. The Delta Squad member's one-time training sergeant did attempt to find Sev on the planet, but to no avail.

A sequel game was also reportedly planned, with one version of it involving Sev playing a big part in starting up the Rebellion (via Cinelinx), but that never came into being and the new canon doesn't seem all that interested in the fate of this brave soldier. 

It appears the answer to this agonising cliffhanger will remain missing alongside Sev, too, then.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...