9 Star Wars Cliffhangers We'll Never Get The Answer To

4. Jabba The Hutt's Son Is Rescued And We Hardly Ever See Him Again

Starkiller Force Unleashed 2_

Along with introducing the world to the eventual Clone Wars legend that is Ahsoka Tano, 2008's Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie also brought with it the arrival of an unexpected son. It turned out that none other than Jabba the Hutt himself had a baby boy by the name of Rotta, with this little slug being kidnapped and later rescued during the poorly received animated picture.

While you'd think something as interesting as one of the most recognisable foes in the galaxy far, far away having a child would be mentioned again in the future, Rotta mostly just disappears after this movie. Sure, he'd make a brief appearance in the subsequent series during the 'Sphere of Influence' episode, and it was noted in Legends continuity that Jabba sent him into hiding to protect him from the Shadow Collective, but it's never explained what became of the son of the crime lord in the years that followed the Clone Wars in the new canon.

Did he unfortunately perish before the time of Jabba's death in Episode VI - Return of the Jedi? Is he still knocking about in the galaxy far, far away at the time of The Book of Boba Fett? Who knows. But one thing is clear, this is a mystery/cliffhanger that Disney just don't seem all that bothered about answering, what with it now being a whopping 14 years(!) since Rotta's last unmemorable on-screen appearance. 

It's safe to assume at this point that Rotta's unfinished story will stay that way, then.

Oh, and speaking of missing relatives...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...